Forza Nuova challenging the statements of Gaddafi
Gaddafi's statements on Islam and Europe are the result of a political choice made by European governments in recent decades. The abandonment of the Christian nature of societies and governments of nations can only herald the Islamization of Europe '. The galloping secularism of our goverrnanti it opens the 'Europe a reality rampant bullying and how Islam. The vacuum created by states and peoples who no longer believe, Islam will be filled by a heedless of freedom, simple and all-encompassing! The fight for a Christian Europe today is no longer a vague sense of taste or a simple slogan, but it looks like a clear path and radicale.L 'Europe must harmonize its laws with the concept of defense of life, must educate the youth to identify good and evil, false and true generosity and fight with in defense of tradition. Europe needs to identify with the values \u200b\u200band rituals of years that made the year great civilizations. The Europe, do not forget to come back to have children because even the demographic vacuum is achieved by 'Islam. Only in this way, the carnival Gaddafi will appear as harmless expressions of a religion that has never managed to be Civilization and not the prelude to defeat our era.
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