Friday, October 29, 2010

How Do I Prevent Lipoma


September 21, 2010, bill to remove the board only after the parliamentary term of five years.
Present 525: 5 abstentions, the abolition of the 22 IT Act, 498 have said NO to the abolition. So voted
Members of our country's great salento:
's only one who voted yes was the Hon. Mop (IDV), while the remaining ladies voted NO: Barba (PDL), Bellanova (PD), Franzoso (PDL), Lisi (PDL), Lazzari (PDL), Patarino (FLI), Ria (UDC), Pilcher (JOINT ), Vitali (PDL), Vico (PD).
not voted as a mission (Then absent) Leone (PDL), Gaglione (JOINT), dense (PDL), Mantua (PDL).

MPs of all political persuasions, nevertheless continue to increase salaries, to self-assigned privileges of every kind every day to strengthen their position as a privileged caste, not worrying about anything for the breakdown economic and social terms of our poor Italy. Our ruling class that should be a guarantee of cleanliness and honesty proves once again a bunch of pimps and corrupt.
New Force believes that the only answer is a political class clean and courageous young man, who cares only for the fields concerned our nation, a political class that is not sold and not a prostitute, and that might believe and give honor and dignity to our Italy.
Forza Nuova Sannicola

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Council for a job interview

When you make an appointment for a job interview, it is always better to arrive, but in the meantime has already obtained a contract with another company, or your curriculum vitae is a bad end ...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kates Playground Strip[


Reuters - It may weigh on the pockets of Italians, the Italian turn to nuclear power. To underline the risk of the most expensive bills is a study, the accounts in hand, presented by President of the Foundation for Sustainable Development and former Environment Minister, Edo Ronchi, Montalto di Castro, in northern Lazio. "On the return to nuclear power does not add up," said Ronchi. The electricity generated by plants Nuclear costs 72.8 € aa Megawatt hour (MWh), 16% more - notes the survey - that produced by gas-fired plants, 61 € / MWh, and 21% higher than that from coal-fired plants, 57 , 5 € / Mwh. "Nuclear power will be significantly more expensive - Ronchi noted - and the competition does not hold either of the gas plants, or those with coal. On this subject - called - need more transparency. "

The study compared eight recent studies published between 2008 and 2010 (OECD Nuclear Agency, Office of the Budget of the U.S. Congress, U.S. Department of Energy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Commission, House of Lords, Electric Power Research Institute and Moody's), and presented in the periodical 'Journal Environment'. That nuclear is not a convenient source for the family budget "has shown the United Kingdom over the last 20 years," writes Professor energy policy 'Steve Thomas University of Greenwich in the journal Energy. But in Italy that this source is derived from the atom seems to be even more expensive, because our country was affected the re-start from scratch, as well as the need to import reactors "which does not produce."

addition to the features of our territory, and "strong local opposition," continues the ratio of the Foundation, should be considered as' time expected to be longer "to build the plants. The cost to comply with European directives sull'abbattimento of carbon dioxide (CO2), has finally seen Ronchi, "will not offset the economic gap between ten to twenty years there will be one of nuclear power, however, difficult to achieve in Italy, and other sources of energy.

And the Italian nuclear program, with its 100 terawatt hours (TWh) and 13,000 MW of new power plants by 2030, can not simply be added to 'which includes an existing development of renewable energy (about 100 TWh by 2020), of new gas-fired plants and coal under construction or advanced stage of approval (at least another 10,000 MW by 2020), because the economic crisis and saving policies and energy efficiency are setting up a future moderate growth in electricity consumption.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Is Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice Good For You


the attention of Mr. Mayor of Sannicola Joseph Nocera

's commissioner with responsibility for OSS Bidetti Stefano

Subject: Fiera di San Simone

As every year during the weekend of 28 October 29 and is repeated in our town, the traditional fair of Saint Simon, one of the oldest of all the Salento, now considered a good showcase for the various merchants, an opportunity entertainment for the locals and the various visitors who go there and to propose, with the event "taste at the fair," with typical products tasting at the booths set up in the square.

Over the years, however, we found that in some stalls as well as some stands were not present in the tax measure.

This thing has made us suspicious case of "ghost companies" with the resulting trade in black.

With this we urge the City Council to issue permits only to those in possession of the entries in the REC and the REA and the competent authorities to carry out controls.

Sannicola, October 14 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How Much Milk Does Lorna Morgan Make?

Lecce militant student protests surrounded and threatened by anti-fascists on the

new daily di Puglia

Today Saturday, October 16, 2010 October 16, 2010, around 13:30, four militant student struggles, the youth movement close to Forza Nuova, after Mormal a propaganda leaflets near the high school "Bazoli Banzi" were surrounded by a cowardly fifteen activists allegedly linked to the collective anti-fascist "chaos." The usual "democratic" and "lovers of freedom" they thought, protected from helmets, to prevent a lawful political activity to those who have thought clearly different from loro.Gli "anti-fascists by chance", having cornered militants LS, threatened them, shoved and insulted. The insults were the heaviest to the only woman to fight militant Studentesca.Questo their concept of democracy, this is their propaganda libertà.Sappiano, these dogs of the system, children of a decadent and bourgeois society, that student protests will not give them a step and that, indeed, will be back in the streets and squares stronger and determined than before. Office of Student
StampaLotta Lecce

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Proxies For Facebook At School

Answer torchlight "We are all Sakineh Teresa and" No to death penalty

first thank the various institutions for the invitation perpetratoci,
replicate that our education policy is not participating in events that are nothing more than interference in the internal affairs of states.
Forza Nuova is to safeguard the national sovereignty of each people, and as opposed to military intervention in Afghanistan is against interference in matters of custom and law in other countries, so as a claim of 'being masters in our house, respect the legal and social issues of other states do not take positions, especially when they are not equally spaced and never mention filoatlantici countries like Saudi Arabia (women can not vote or take a driver's license, death for adultery, eec ... ), China (where there is a death penalty on the agenda, including tax evasion) and Pakistan (where they are of Pakistani origin abuse to those thousands of women victims in Italy, see the case Novi Ligure)
E 'in this sense that we would have preferred it had moved the EOC, in denouncing the problems rather than existing in our country about the Muslim immigrant population that appears to regulate with a right rather than the Italian one, and to find and propose more effective legal and social remedies for the increasing number of cases of rapes, child abuse, domestic violence is committed towards our fellow countrymen and to immigrant women.

Forza Nuova Sannicola

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Can Bunnies Be House Broken

TARANTO: interview of 14-15 September 2015 EUGENIO Benetazzo ECONOMY ON HIS SHOW: Funny Money Show

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chair Flight Simulator

Gio Ponti in Cagliari

designer who revolutionized the stylistic canons of Italian ceramics. Gio Ponti, one of the greatest representatives of Italian Art Deco style in the exhibition with a selection of porcelain and majolica. And a great new track ...

Fits in the period between the wars, the rebirth of Italian ceramic production starring the eclectic Gio Ponti (Milan, 1891 - 1979). Not only an architect, interior decorator ship, set and costume designer - as well as founder of the magazine Domus for the development of a culture of - industrial designer but also universally recognized. Asked to design new forms by Richard Ginori - enough to win the prestigious Grand Prix at Paris in 1925 - will revolutionize the production quickly reaching an international reputation. industry is the way of the twentieth century, is his way of creating. The combination of art and industry, art is the kind, the condition of the industry . Not surprisingly, after his appointment as director in 1923, supports the production in series, intended for wide distribution to the consumer, for which designs advertising campaigns and ensures that the company is present among the most important exhibitions domestic and foreign.

Industrial production and artistic taste, it is the combination of the strategic approach for launching new types in the design of over a thousand pieces for Doccia. Cists, urns, vases, amphorae, jars and figurines as well as small ornaments are the result of a combination of archeological citations, themes and atmospheres neoclassical metaphysics. Themes of the Greek and Roman mythology are adapted to his personal taste for deco iconography and cultured at the same time ironic, as Women on Clouds or Everything passes, but also those taken out of the circus world and moments of everyday life. Dancers, peasants, winged cherubs, mythological figures and objects float in space between architectural elements, funds and geometric cityscapes. Stick figures penned in gold-tipped white agate emerge from the bottom replaced by Blu big fire since 1928.

An important and unexpected selection of vases, small objects, bowls, urns, ink, plates, slabs and tiles - in part because it penalized the sight glass cases are different leaning against the wall - for a total of over one hundred pieces of porcelain, stoneware and earthenware (1922 - 1930), frame the spearhead of the exhibition: the unprecedented large pot with lid Fabrizia. Designed in 1924 and exhibited the following year in Paris, has only recently reappeared on the market to be bought by a private individual. Belongs to the series My women , naked from the elegant, sinuous lines and stylized, attitudes and casual hairstyles ancient, moving between flowers, cloth and clouds. As Fabrizia, seductive protagonist harem of Bridges. Lying on a bed of clouds suspended in a deep blue night sky. Between formal rigor and extreme synthesis.

How To Put Money In Money Clip

Request for clarification on the parking issue on the seafront in Colombo Lido Shells

Question registered the Mayor Sannicola G iuseppe Nocera the 30 09 2010

letter from an anonymous sender:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Somebody Hacked My Dongle

Forza Nuova: our position on the clash

This short document is published in times of serious political unrest dictated by parliamentary disputes caused by the collision of Berlusconi-Fini. The position Forza Nuova is known: the impartiality that separates us from the Speaker of the House by Prime Minister Berlusconi and Fini is obvious, both being in their substantial volume of low diversity, Moneymaker, personalistic politics that opposed us. On Silvio Berlusconi has said and written so much that his figure in the eyes of the average reader can not but be clear: we speak of a politician whose ties and interests are well known. On the position of Speaker of the House Fini, however, some may have doubts and illusions of his least partial "cleaning". Some naive might read in the recent actions of Fini a kind of awakening moral conscience dictated by a not quite dirty. Well, the story of ' Monaco apartment on Boulevard Princesse Charlotte, which involved the President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini and the family of his girlfriend Elizabeth Tulliani, taking the place of 'honor in the chronicles of the summer has brought out a story that, from 2007 to now, governments, both of center-right, which the center-left, had been engaged in hiding with care. A real scandal involving employers, political parties, the mafia, who have divided by mutual agreement of € 98 billion in tax evaded since 2004. To understand the word 'equivalent of three financial laws and 6 times the GDP of an African nation. Siniscalco with the ministerial decree of March 2004 it was established in Italy to grant a number of companies private for the game "with participation from a distance" on approximately 40,000 slot machines, bingo halls, betting. Also in 2004 at a dinner in Saint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, you decide to assign one of 10 grants available to participate in the dinner Atlantis World Ltd. 's current president of the Chamber, Fini, his secretary, Francesco Cosimi Proietti, Francesco Corallo , son of a conspiracy to affected and suspected drug dealing and money laundering and international Labocetta Amedeo, a man of confidence of AN in Campania. In line with the order, any slot machine, to be in good standing, must be connected to SOGEI, the modem central part of the Ministry of Finance, which collects the volume of bets and calculates the public tax levy that the concessionaires must pay the state, which is specifically equal to 13%. Each machine that is not connected to SOGEI must be declared inoperative and must be closed by law in a warehouse. Well out of a total of approximately 40,000 slot only one third are related to SOGEI, the remaining are not linked. It 's just Atlantis, whose legal representative is Labocetta, unrelated to state and closed 26,858 stock units do not work: a large number of machines not working, but thus far nothing unusual except the fact that the 26,858 slot machines are "declared lying" in the warehouse of a bar of 50 square meters in Ripon, a small village in the province of Catania. The Guardia di Finanza We begin to realize that perhaps the equipment declared inoperative, actually worked, and that perhaps the percentage of the total volume of bets, instead of going into the coffers of the Italian state in the form of tax revenue replenished those of Coral, Laboccetta and companionship. In 2006, 'then Finance Minister Vincenzo Visco establishing, on the case, the Board of New Slot inquiry, chaired by the undersecretary Alfiero Grandi. On March 23, 2007, declared the end of the work of the Committee, the report is not made public the text of the final report becomes unavailable before disappearing permanently for safety are eliminated from the original document, all references the involvement of persons belonging to mafia groups. In the end, the press conference of the Guardia di Finanza is blocked "from 'high' and set aside. We expect at least the withdrawal to the dealers, but even this is, in fact, Prodi Finance Act of 2008 changes the terms of the contract between monopoly and dealers on the clarity of the transmission of data transmitted on the play. To make matters worse between the clamor of the majority and the opposition in 2009 'on. Cosimo Ventucci the PDL has an amendment to the decree law on anti-crisis measures for tax amnesty to 90 billion euro. The amnesty does not pass and now is the Court of Auditors to investigate, and investigate among others on Giorgio Tino, director of ' Monopolies Agency (Proietti that he had a fever which would lead to 'cover-up of everything and the appointment of the sister of vice presidential Mayor Alemanno of Monopoly), and wife, Anna Maria Barbara, another leader of the State Monopoly. Atlantis World Ltd is today the Italian State € 31 billion. And collusion between businessmen, mafia and top government officials can be seen in the matter of whether the 'current administrator of Atlantis and Francis James Walfenzao Coral are the same owners of one of the two offshore companies, the Printemps, which took advantage of sale of 'flat, Boulevard Princesse Charlotte by the President of the Chamber. James Walfezao, so Izel as Tony, the owner of the second off-shore involved in 'Operation Monaco, are citizens with dual nationality (one is Israeli), who, in collaboration with senior politicians and organized crime, they become the protagonists of the largest (in magnitude ) fraud against the Italian state of all time These facts should have led all the individuals involved to be prosecuted for criminal association with the Mafia, as well as all the many tax offenses. Instead Atlantis continues to operate unimpeded and to do business. Finally, emerges clearly in the nature of their contact international Fini and AN, which has strict covenants and agreements and that both its connection with the control and the international Zionist octopus tentacles of the Mafia. The National Secretariat

Monday, October 4, 2010

Is One Pimple On The Vergina Herpes

Loretta Lux

formal perfection, distortion of proportions and careful analysis of portraiture. All accompanied by a retro clothing and dall'artificiosità of poses and expressions. They are imaginary portraits by Loretta Lux evoking disturbing childhood. Desolate and ambiguous spaces between scenarios ...

Children seemingly immaculate, from the looks glassy and expressionless, are binding to the viewer disoriented that undergoes a sort of fascination at the same time attractive and ambiguous. Children who appear to have come from fairy tales where evil ogre if it gives pleasure to their heels. To whom is probably allowed to see the souls of the deceased or that they themselves are part of the kingdom of the dead. Despite languid poses and embodied ivory, delicate pastel shades played on tonal values, the lightness of the clothes and fine details.

between fable and alienation Loretta Lux (Dresden, 1969) conceives of an imagination that celebrates the childhood version of noir. Soldiers at attention with eyes lost in the void in the throes of a state of hypnosis does not betray a minimum of introspective investigation. Simulacra of themselves as beautiful as they are dry as they are the children of Village of the Damned . Disturbing and seductive protagonists of that lost paradise that is childhood.

draws on the German tradition of painting - from Holbein to Friedrich - with a careful analysis of portraiture that moves from the late Renaissance Victorian era up to the 50s advertising illustrations, projecting the shots at a time indefinite. Out of context and thrown in an alien environment, its models are generally the children of friends immortalized on a neutral background later replaced by fixed views on the film during his travels. Why quest'infanzia artificially serene, rigorous in vintage clothing, eyes and limbs with hypertrophic and unlikely objects in his hands, is merely the result of the long process of careful digital manipulation. A childhood immersed in a world where everything is coated unreal and inaccessible and helps to achieve maximum aesthetic perfection. Manic in the geometric stringency and detecting desolate scenery, sometimes shabby. No matter whether it is sea, country or metropolis, silhouetted behind the characters, what counts is the color of these misleading calls and fascinating family album. Processed pictures in fine pictorial form - no coincidence that the Lux started out as a painter - whose connotation darkness lies in the northern European tradition of painting. And if the picture with regard to the coating approaches the pearly irreverent Olaf other references seem to divide between the Arbus and Jeff Wall .

An enjoyable show staged in a rational manner on walls aseptic but leaving empty-handed if you have the expectation of being in front of recent works. In fact, it is mostly of pieces from 2000 and 2005 and only a small group between 2006 and 2007. Whereas a double disappointment on this occasion Sozzani Gallery celebrates twenty years of activity.