Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Proxies For Facebook At School

Answer torchlight "We are all Sakineh Teresa and" No to death penalty

first thank the various institutions for the invitation perpetratoci,
replicate that our education policy is not participating in events that are nothing more than interference in the internal affairs of states.
Forza Nuova is to safeguard the national sovereignty of each people, and as opposed to military intervention in Afghanistan is against interference in matters of custom and law in other countries, so as a claim of 'being masters in our house, respect the legal and social issues of other states do not take positions, especially when they are not equally spaced and never mention filoatlantici countries like Saudi Arabia (women can not vote or take a driver's license, death for adultery, eec ... ), China (where there is a death penalty on the agenda, including tax evasion) and Pakistan (where they are of Pakistani origin abuse to those thousands of women victims in Italy, see the case Novi Ligure)
E 'in this sense that we would have preferred it had moved the EOC, in denouncing the problems rather than existing in our country about the Muslim immigrant population that appears to regulate with a right rather than the Italian one, and to find and propose more effective legal and social remedies for the increasing number of cases of rapes, child abuse, domestic violence is committed towards our fellow countrymen and to immigrant women.

Forza Nuova Sannicola


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