new daily di Puglia
Today Saturday, October 16, 2010 October 16, 2010, around 13:30, four militant student struggles, the youth movement close to Forza Nuova, after Mormal a propaganda leaflets near the high school "Bazoli Banzi" were surrounded by a cowardly fifteen activists allegedly linked to the collective anti-fascist "chaos." The usual "democratic" and "lovers of freedom" they thought, protected from helmets, to prevent a lawful political activity to those who have thought clearly different from loro.Gli "anti-fascists by chance", having cornered militants LS, threatened them, shoved and insulted. The insults were the heaviest to the only woman to fight militant Studentesca.Questo their concept of democracy, this is their propaganda libertà .Sappiano, these dogs of the system, children of a decadent and bourgeois society, that student protests will not give them a step and that, indeed, will be back in the streets and squares stronger and determined than before. Office of Student
StampaLotta Lecce
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